Connecting with Empathy

Why Connecting with Empathy?

We build communities where individuals are empowered to thrive in their relationships.

As individuals we experience a more fulfilling life when our relationships are enriching and we are held by supportive and nurturing communities.The same dynamic happens in organizations - which stand as communities on their own. Similarly to other types of communities, organizations follow through their purpose when people are thriving in the relationships within their teams.

How do we create thriving communities?

  • We create honest and raw spaces that foster connection and support meaningful and constructive dialogue.

  • We facilitate group dynamics where people can experiment and practice new ways of communicating and grow their empathy skills.

  • We build a culture where individuals are empowered with skills to navigate tension and conflicts.





Our workshops are designed according to the needs of your team or your organization. We create moments for the team members to connect with each other and learn communication skills together. We use tools and techniques such as Nonviolent Communication and Active Listening.


We help you identify the core needs of your organization and the root causes behind tensions. We design solutions based on your needs and we accompany your organization through the transformation towards a resilient culture.



Marta has a background in Law and is passionate about Nonviolent Communication. She deeply believes that conflict has a transformational power to create more just and resilient communities. In her view, one way to achieve that is by empowering individuals with the right tools to navigate conflict. For this reason, she wants to spread the seeds of empathy in her community, and work with people and organizations to implement cultural shifts. Other things which bring joy and passion to her life are yoga, food, dancing and having fun, traveling and learning languages, political activism, and her cat. She is currently based in Lisbon.


Valentina is currently based in Aarhus - Denmark, where she is part of the alternative leadership school Kaospilot. Valentina has a background in Community and Work Psychology. She deeply believes in the power of empathy to create a more just society. Her drive is to empower groups and marginalized communities with the tools and the relational skills that allow them to create the change they want to see in the world.
She values courage, toughness, kindness, connection and honesty.
Something that brings her joy is dancing, hiking, learning (with not too much success) to play the guitar and spending time with her loved ones.



Discussing feminism with empathy - in partnership with Men Talks
People tend to either polarize around “difficult” topics, such as feminism, or they avoid the topic overall because they are afraid of a confrontation or of being labeled due to their opinions.
There is a need for creating a space that would allow an honest, constructive dialogue around feminism.
To address this need, we created an online session where participants were invited to use storytelling as a means of discussing feminism. While personal stories around the topic were welcomed, specific rules around how the group could respond to the stories were used to protect the psychological safety of the space.


Makesense Lisbon is a volunteering organization that strives to support and advocate for the social impact entrepreneurship scene in Lisbon.
The team of makesense Lisbon expressed a challenge around people feeling disconnected from each other due to the pandemic and due to the impossibility of working physically together. In response to this challenge, we created and facilitated an online space for their team to share personal stories and connect with each other on a level that was usually not accessible in their daily life. Being part of such a space allowed the team members to show their vulnerability and to get to know each other with fresh eyes.
Creating moments of meaningful connection for Makesense Lisbon

Unfolding tensions with Empathy -
a training for Kaospilot

Unfolding tensions with Empathy was an in-presence training around conflict resolution strategies targeted to the students at the Kaospilot school of Creative Leadership in Aarhus (DK). The main topics included in the training were emotional awareness and active listening. The training had a strong focus on experiential learning, allowing participants to try out themselves how it feels to embrace elements of Nonviolent Communication and empathic listening.


What people say about us:

Human Resources Sr. Administrator at Amazon

“After months spent in remote working, my team and I felt the need to reconnect with each other. With their expertise and facilitation skills, Marta and Valentina created an open, warm and welcoming space where my colleagues and I had the chance to establish a deeper connection with each other. Overall we had a great experience and we highly recommend Valentina and Marta’s workshop to other teams!”[April 2021]

Investor Manager at CorkBrick

“Marta and Valentina with Connecting with Empathy have been facilitating workshops teaching non-violent communication and connection in a team-driven environment.
Their passion and drive for this purpose of clear and effective communication can be only compared with their ability to deliver mind-blowing sessions and the HUGE impact that it's having on everyone involved. Honesty, Transparency, Open-mind, and Non-judgement are the keys to success in this field, and they found a way to harness it and use it proficiently”
[May 2021]

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